5 Important Analytics for Bloggers To Improve Their Sites

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5 Important Analytics for Bloggers To Improve Their Sites

SEO | Feb 03, 2021

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  • 3 minutes read

For bloggers, accessing and understanding their blogs data metrics is critical for success. 

While the creation of a blog is a fairly simple process, the real challenge comes from being able to maintain it.

Over 80% of blogs created in 2021 will fail due to lack of maintenance and care.

In order to have a successful and profitable blog from inception to completion, it's important to track how well your content is pairing up to industry and reader expectations. 

Just taking some time to research and organize based on data results can make a differential impact in the way your blog is read, perceived and shared.

Below, we laid out our top four of the most important analytics for bloggers to research and follow for a successful and lucrative blog.

Page views

In simple terms, a “page view” is any amount of time a user spends on your blog site. 

There is no magic number of page views that any blogger should have. The number differs depending on the type of content that is produced (fashion, lifestyle, tech, etc.). Whatever field you’re writing for — your niche, audience and goals will constantly change.

Image of blogger taking photos for blog

The majority of host providers offer features that allow its users to access page views. If you do not use a host provider, Google Analytics also provides a tool to track page views for free.

Traffic by channel

The way a reader finds your blog may be surprising. Due to features like search engine optimization, in-bound links and advertisements, the path or “channel” for a reader to get to your blog differs depending on the person.

Google Analytics offers a list of channel definitions where bloggers can check tags that lay out where the majority of their site traffic is coming from, and make adjustments based on preferences or statistics that best suit their blog.

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It’s also a great tool to compare and contrast what platforms are having more success over others. Bloggers can track how many clicks their blog gets through email marketing campaigns, social media links and any other type of marketing strategy.

Time spent on page

The more time a reader spends on your page, the higher chance that they’ll engage more with your blog. This is important to gain a steady readership with loyal viewers and promote high activity across your blog site as a whole.

Bloggers should track how long a reader spends on its site since it gives vital information about what viewers are most interested in, don’t access and whether or not you're pulling in the correct audience with the various marketing strategies you're promoting your blog with.  

This can be tracked with various host providers’ features.


Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to multiple tactics used to gain more traffic to your website based on search engine results.

One of the most commonly utilized tools for bloggers is the implementation of keywords in their blog posts. Keywords are words that relate to the topic in which you are writing about.

When these keywords are used, your blog has an easier chance of being found on a search results page when a user enters those same words into Google.

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If you notice that the implemented keywords are not bringing as much traffic as desired, then simply increase the density of those words.

Bounce rate

Tracking your bounce rate is important to understanding what does and doesn’t work on your blog site. 

Bounce rate refers to viewers who access your site, take a glance at it, but have no other further interaction and exit out of the browser.

A high bounce rate may suggest that your content is not resonating with your audience, or on the other hand, the audience you are attracting through marketing does not belong in the appropriate niche.

For bloggers, a great bounce rate is anywhere between 25% and 40%. Anything over 70% is most likely a sign that your audience-building approach may need to be changed up.

Looking to improve your blog? Our developers can help build a successful site and develop a strong marketing strategy guaranteed to boost reader traffic. Let’s talk!

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