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Influencer Packages

Influencer Social Media Strategy

Get influencer marketing services tailored to match your needs, budget, and goals Outline and identify marketing persona(s)
Find your ideal customers, niche, and age demographics We research product placement and presentation opportunities to identify the best influencer(s) to create the best results
$1,950.00 Per Campaign
Select number of compaigns

Develop a strategy to attract content creators with our influencer package.

Influencer Management Services

Connect marketing persona(s) with relevant influencers Create an influencer matrix for your business needs Build a list of influencers matching your service and market needs from: Instagram
Facebook Youtube and more!
$950.00 One-Time-Payment
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Build Your Influencer In-List

Up to 15 matching influencers
+ $300.00

We will locate and build a list of influencers that match the needs of your service and market.

Influencer Outreach Services

Our influencer management agency shares your brand’s influencer media kit We develop content for outreach campaigns We build a list of influencers that match the needs of your service and market
Get a detailed, one-on-one outreach plan for each matching influencer from the list to encourage them to partner with your brand Develop credibility and promote your brand awareness for more influencer outreach
$950.00 One-Time-Payment
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Building Your Influencers List

Up to 10 matching influencers
+ $300.00

Successful paid and organic ads begin with effective social media outreach campaigns. Start today!

Influencer Packages

Influencer Packages

Authentically connect with potential customers thanks to our influencer management agency. Save time and money searching for the right social media influencer for your brand. Our experts scour the web for the right content creators and influencers so you get the best results for your investment. Through our influencer management services, we collaborate with influencers to find the right brand voice and content to create genuine ads that your target demos will relate to and want to interact with to learn more. The team of dedicated specialists at ULS have worked with many well-known social media influencers to create our influencer marketing services and know what it takes to get these important partnerships right.

For new projects, products, or campaigns you want to share with the world, try our influencer marketing services package. With our wide range of customizable options, you’ll easily find the right package to fit your business needs.

ULS experts pair your brand with content creators that share your values and business philosophies. Our detailed analysis ensures the influencers we find will maximize your ROI and notoriety with Instagram and Facebook influencers, as well as YouTubers! Start your journey to success with influencer marketing services for small business today!

Our Services: Designed for Success

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