Your Guide To Finding Your Brand’s Personality

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Your Guide To Finding Your Brand’s Personality

Brand | Aug 03, 2021

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  • 3 minutes read

Brand personality is the set of human characteristics that customers relate to and can identify with on a personal level.

Determining your brand’s personality is an important component to establishing your ideal audience and creating content, ads, and products or services that your customers need. It’s exponentially harder to connect with potential clients without a sense of how your brand relates to them. Use these tips as a guide to finding your brand’s voice so you can stand out from the crowd.

As the use of technology and the internet continues to increase, the best tool left at your disposal is your humanity and what makes your brand unique from the sea of competition. With the sheer volume of options, you can’t afford not to know exactly what your brand stands for and what elements of your brand are special and valuable to consumers.

How To Determine The Personality of Your Brand

Tell Your Story

What inspired you to create your brand and business? Remembering that every element of how your business began, not just the highlight reel, makes you relatable to audiences. Big box, cookie cutter experiences have become stale for many demographics seeking deeper attachments to products and services, yet each purchase now is an experience of research, choice, and connection. Offering anecdotes from starting up or personal details about products and services in addition to tailoring marketing collateral to your audience help customers feel like part of something bigger, which is incredibly fulfilling for both company and customer.

Define (And Stick To) Your Values

If an already established customer were to explain your brand to someone in their circle, what would you want them to say? Something compelled you to start this brand and business. That initial spark speaks to the changes you want to see in the world and the solutions you offer to fix it with your products or services. Each offering is an extension of that first idea. Explore why your brand does what it does and what prompted this venture, and make those reasonings accessible to your audience. Given that users are finding your site or ad means they connect with that inkling on some level. By defining the reason for being in business, you give customers validation for solving their problem with your products because you recognized the need and made a way to meet it.

man and woman office

Consider What Your Color Scheme Says About You

Colors wordlessly tell stories about your brand before customers even register your company’s name or logo. While meanings and associations can vary among different cultures, your choice of color scheme offers an instant impression with psychological impacts. Being thoughtful yet expressive with color choice is a great way to forge a bond so long as you keep the implications of colors in mind for your target demo and location.

In such a stimulating, saturated market, color combinations will also be important for defining contrast in your designs and in navigating related materials to your brand, such as your website. There are countless combinations to choose from, so taking the time to choose colors with meanings that further reflect your brand values and goals is a great way to add another layer to your company’s story for future customers.

Remember: Customers Crave Connection

Technology has created amazing opportunities and made commerce and communication easier than ever on an instantaneously global scale. However, though we are all technically connected, emotional interpersonal connections aren’t forged so easily. Allow your quirks and idiosyncrasies shine to show customers that you not only relate to them but are like them as well. Building rapport is as simple as finding common ground and building upon it. Insisting on presenting the perfect facade may get you some traction with audiences initially, but the moment the novelty of newness wears off, the customers will slip away because there’s nothing tugging at their heartstrings to help them stay.

Don’t Be Afraid to Collaborate

Sometimes when you’ve gone it alone for a long time, it can be hard to see all of the information surrounding you and leverage it to its greatest potential. Partnering with experts in fields you’re unfamiliar with is a great way to keep your energy focused on what matters most to you as you grow: your brand. See what the expert team at ULS can do for redefining your brand and expanding your audience reach. Contact us today!

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