How B2B Engagement Marketing Wins Your Niche Marketshare

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How B2B Engagement Marketing Wins Your Niche Marketshare

Brand | Dec 06, 2022

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  • 4 minutes read

B2B marketing tactics can be every bit as effective as many B2C tactics when creating your marketing strategy.

Granted, audiences and communication styles are different, which can make things more challenging.

For example, B2B marketing for small businesses might use industry lingo in their communications, whereas B2C communications tend to be simpler and more relatable to laypersons.

However, that doesn’t mean there can’t be crossover in your marketing arsenal.

What is B2B Engagement Marketing?

B2B marketing stands for business-to-business marketing. It refers to the direct marketing and selling of services or products from one business to another.

B2B engagement marketing is a somewhat new approach to marketing, where a business focuses on fostering real relationships with its customers and clients. The goal is to give them value, not just hammer them with advertisements and deals.

Customers are crucial to the success of any business and by building relationships with them, you can help include them in the growth and trajectory of your brand.

B2B vs. B2C

If B2B marketing is used for selling products or services between two businesses, companies, or organizations––B2C in contrast stands for business-to-consumer marketing.

In B2C, the target audience is the individual and customer, not another organization. It’s the customer that makes purchases and buying decisions for products and services.

Since audiences for B2B and B2C are very different, consequently, marketing strategies, tactics, and applications are also vastly different.

For instance, individual consumers respond well to fun, entertaining content, and often their decision to make a purchase has more to do with emotion than logic.

However, a business entity may respond better to facts and figures to help make their purchasing decisions and would want to know how their purchase will help solve a problem or meet a need within their own organization.

strategy snd planing on a desk

Top B2B Engagement Marketing Tactics Working Like Gangbusters

With that said, there are still some great B2B marketing tactics you can use to gain market share within your niche and establish your business as a strong authority in your industry.

Create Killer Useful and Searchable Content

Content is still king, even today, but gone are the days you can just slap an article up and call it done.

Content today requires strategy and planning. You want your content to attract organic search and provoke some thought and response. It should be useful to your readers and in short, worth searching for if you want the Google gods to smile at you.

Humanize Your Brand

Historically, B2B brands didn’t have much of that human touch. However, they have begun to change that over the last several years or so. Even B2B customers are thirsty for authentic interactions and real value and human experiences, which means B2B marketing tactics are evolving to satisfy that thirst.

A brand willing to show its humanity behind the curtain resonates with its audience on a deeper level and helps build trust. In the age of video marketing, videos can be a great way to give your audience a peek behind your brand’s closed doors.

They don’t even have to be professional or highly edited videos, merely videos that show the real ‘work’ of running a successful brand. The people behind the brand, making the magic happen.

Incorporate Video Marketing

Speaking of videos, 2022 may well be the year videos blew up as a marketing tool. From Instagram Reels to TikTok videos, to YouTube podcasts, it seems there are videos everywhere. Why wouldn’t you want your brand to be as relevant as the next? Videos are a must in your marketing kit.

Master Semantic Search

We all know about SEO, but the semantic search takes it a few steps deeper. It’s not just a few keywords here and there, but truly grasping why your audience is looking for the content you offer. Your content should not just be an answer to their Google search but should offer a comprehensive journey that covers other questions they might have related to the topic at hand. This could even fall under the ‘Creating Killer

Content’s umbrella, because to truly create killer content, it has to go above and beyond a few simple keywords and a single search query.

SEO sematic search

Master the Art of Social Listening

Many B2B brands actively monitor their brand mentions, so that they can get ahead of any potential issues or dissatisfaction with their customer base. While it’s true that every brand is made up of humans and none are perfect, negativity on social media can snowball if brands aren’t equipped to listen and respond quickly and positively. Social listening allows your business to improve your customer support and may well give you an edge over your competition.

Prioritize Premium Customer Service

To help with this, it’s fine to use some automated solutions, like chatbots. They can often be a great way to solve less important issues, while your support team is on standby to handle the big ones. However, don’t neglect to have that support team. When your goal is to build strong customer relationships, strong customer service is absolutely necessary.

Ultimately, B2B engagement marketing can be every bit as effective as B2C marketing. It really depends on your brand’s goals as to which tactics may be most effective for specific campaigns.

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