When electronic mail or email, as we know it, was introduced to the public in the 1990s, no one realized how this will affect our lives. From AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo!, to Google, emails have taken many shapes and forms. We communicate through email with friends, family, and work. We have email addresses for personal, social, professional purposes. It helps us connect to a wider world outside of our own bubble.
To date, email is as revolutionary now as it was then. Businesses, big or small, send out email marketing campaigns to boost their online visibility and reach out to their targeted audience. According to Gartner, digital commerce will rake in $500 billion in revenue by the end of 2018.
That’s a lot of money!
When it comes to reporting to your marketing director who wants to know and hear numbers, you provide data and information on how email marketing campaigns influence your target audience and how it impacts your profit and visibility.
We gathered some tips and tricks on how to keep successful email marketing campaigns as you close off the year and usher in 2019 with success waiting at your fingertips.
Gather and provide data on how email marketing campaigns have engaged their target audience or how it generated potential clients.
Develop a unified strategy and goals. Always keep an open communication with your team and your agency. Agree on the most effective parts of the email campaign before communicating with your clients.
Before hitting your campaign’s launch button, test it out first! Ensure all links are working and messaging is effective and correct. Make sure the imagery, copy, and intent are unified and cohesive.
Edit, edit, and edit. Always have the mindset of modifying and improving your email marketing campaigns. You’ll be amazed at how this small thing can produce big benefits for you and your brand.
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